As each one is the apple of God’s eye, God has a special plan for each of us in this world. Though I am unworthy the good Lord chose me to be close to Him and to be His agent of love and peace. He moulded me to be His instrument by making me also share in His sufferings. Like everyone I too had my doubts, struggles, sorrows, fears, anxieties, misunderstandings, physical pains and sufferings. I realized that all these were given for a specific mission.
This mission was specially realised on November 2nd, 1996 when I received from Our Lady the miraculous Rosary at the shrine of Our Lady of Velankanni, Tamil Nadu. On that day I received the first message from Our Blessed Mother for the whole world. From November 2nd, 1996 to August 22nd, 2002 I have received 4 messages from Our Blessed Lord and 47 messages from Our Lady for the whole world. These 51 messages were given to me in the local language Malayalam.
In the message, Our Lady gave on January 1st, 2002, She very clearly states that these messages are not for the state of Kerala alone but for the entire world. I am very grateful to Rev. Fr. Abraham Kadiyakuzhy, the Rector of St. Antony’s Pilgrim Church Manthara, Ponkunnam, who is my Spiritual Director for taking up this venture of publishing this book, ‘Messages of Our Lady of Kanchikode. I also thank Rev. Fr. Joe Kallupura SDB, the Principal of Don Bosco HSS. Mannuthy, Trissur and Prof. Paulson Chalissery, Principal of Don Bosco College Mannuthy and others for the patient work of translating the messages into English. May God bless them for enabling to reach these messages to every nook and corner of the world.
I was requested to write a forward to this book “Messages of Our Lady of Kanchikode”. I am happy to do it for the greater glory of God. I belong to the parish of Mannampetta of the archdiocese of Trissur. My Parents, Anthony and Annamma were very devout catholics. I am the youngest daughter in my family. As I am the youngest I am affectionately called Kochu Rani. This means little Rani. My parents and my six elder sisters and dear ones of my Panthalookaran family loved me specially as I am the youngest and they inculcated in me love for prayer life. My mother was indeed a Marian devotee. I remember her telling us one of her divine and miraculous experiences. She had skin problem and no doctor was able to heal her. At the end she prayed fervently to Our Blessed Mother. One night Our Lady appeared to her and told her the method of preparing a medicine using the leaves of different plants. She did as was told and she was fully healed of her sickness. My mother taught me to have great devotion to Jesus and Mary. My father was very strict with us his children in making sure that we get up in time to recite the morning prayers. In the evening too he made sure that we gathered together in the prayer room to pray the Rosary on our knees. He insisted with us to take part in the daily celebration of the Holy Mass. He was an inspiration for us as he daily attended the Eucharist. Thus he made sure that we are given the value of living in communion with the Church. My parents have gone to eternal reward. I am so grateful to them for the early formation they gave me.
My mother taught me to say the following ejaculatory prayer: “Jesus, I love you.” From 1973 onwards, when I was three years old my mother encouraged me to say this ejaculatory prayer as often as possible. In order to prepare myself for my first Holy Communion, I took a resolution to say this ejaculatory prayer daily for one year. I succeeded in doing that in preparation for my first Holy Communion. I made my first Holy Communion at the age of seven on May 15th, 1977. When I received Jesus for the first time in my heart, I heard His voice resounding , “I too love you”. This was one of my first mystical experiences.
After completing my High school studies, at the age of 15, I joined the convent to become a religious. I completed the two year pre degree course remaining in the convent. After that I was asked to do course in general nursing. During my general nursing course I had many sickness including typhoid and poor eye sight. When I read books related to my nursing course I was not able to read. But I had no problem in reading the Bible and other spiritual books. No treatment improved the situation. Hence the Sister Superior of the convent sent me for a retreat .On the third night I had a vision. In the vision I saw a cross and under that I saw the following symbol of an into mark over the letter N. On the next day during the praise and worship session , the priest who was leading the session saw the vision of the same symbol above my head. He called me and asked me if I had the seen the same vision before. I explained to him everything what had happened. He confirmed saying that I am neither called to be a nun nor a nurse. He told me that God had another definite and unique plan for me. For that I was told to offer up all my sufferings to the Lord for the realisation of His plan for me. Then I found very difficult to accept that advice given to me. After the retreat I returned to the convent and I told every thing to the sisters there. They were also not happy to send me home. They told me to remain in the office and help them out as I was not able to continue my studies. It is then that my father became seriously ill and I left the convent and went home to take special care of him. He did not improve his situation and he passed away on August 8th, 1991. I wanted to remain single and live a life of prayer. I was guided by my parents especially by my mother and others that I am called to live a family life and do God’s plan.
I got married to John Palooparambil on October 21st, 1992. I am so grateful to God for having blessed me with a very loving husband. He is a very humble and holy person. Indeed he is a Marian devotee. After my marriage I was quite often sick with the problem of asthma. In the midst of sufferings both of us would pray that we might have the strength to suffer and to cooperate with Him to realize His plans in our regard. A baby was born to us on August 7th, 1993. As I was carrying, I was not well and I had to take heavy medication. The Doctor informed that heavy medication could cause harm for the child in my womb. We did pray interceding Our Blessed Mother. God did hear our prayers and a healthy baby was born to us. We believe that Sneha John, our child is a miracle child, the fruit of our prayers.
One of the first signs we received was on October 8th, 1996. As I was weeding the garden in the courtyard, I felt giddy. My husband then led me to the room. Then Jesus spoke to my husband the following: ”Listen to me. Listen to me. Listen to me.” Then Jesus gave the following messages: Isaiah 59:1,40:31,43:1-5,49:7-16,42:1, Tobit 12:6 Ecclessiastes 6:1-12 and Romans 5:5. Then Jesus continued to speak to John my husband; “ You should get ready to preach me. God’s love is flowing into your heart in the form of the Holy Spirit. That Spirit you have to spread in the world .Then the following quoting was given as message: Ecclesiastes 6:1-2. Jesus again spoke to John the following: ”The people who are thinking that they are better than others must be told the following: Ecclesiastes 6:1-2. My son John, I love you. You are mine. My beloved John, Don’t be afraid.” Then John replied,” I don’t know anything. What shall I do?” Jesus replied, “My beloved son, I am the Way, the Truth and the Light”.
The message that you have to preach I will give you at that time. First you pray fervently. Through prayers you will get strength and all that you need. This is the first step. “Get ready to preach me”. This mystical experience of the voice of Jesus was also heard by my husband John. After hearing the voice of the Lord, I felt thirsty and I asked my husband for some water. When he came with water he saw me drinking water from my hand which was given by Jesus Himself. The experience of getting water from Jesus was told to my dear ones. But they did not believe it. In the evening as we were all together reciting the Rosary, Jesus again gave us water and our prayer room was filled with water. Thus those who disbelieved the previous miraculous event had the opportunity to have a direct experience of the water given by Jesus. We did not make known these experiences to others as Jesus gave the message to keep it for ourselves. Similarly a number of mystical experiences were given, before the reception of the miraculous Rosary on November 2nd 1996. These experiences were revealed later only when Jesus permitted me to do it.
On November 2nd, 1996 as a family we reached the Shrine of Velankanni, Tamil Nadu. We participated in the Holy Mass at 12:30 pm in the Shrine. In the afternoon we were praying kneeling close to the main Altar of Our Lady of Velankanni. At 1:30 pm. I had the most extraordinary mystical experience of the apparition of our Lady of Velankanni. I saw Her coming close to me, On her one hand she had the Child Jesus and on the other a long black Rosary. She bent down and gave me the miraculous Rosary in my right hand. I felt the heavy weight of the Rosary in my hand.
I also felt an intense sweet unearthly fragrance for the Rosary. As I was not aware of the surroundings, my husband John came and enquired what had happened to me. I explained to him all that happened. As directed by Our Lady we bought a statue of Our Lady of Velankanni enclosed in a glass case. Our Lady asked me to keep the miraculous Rosary inside this glass case . Then we returned home at Kanchikode, According to the directive of Our Lady we prayerfully placed the statue and the Rosary on a pedestal in the prayer room of our house. We then felt the intense fragrance of this Rosary. This fragrance could be felt even at one and half kilometer distance from our home. Having felt this sweet unearthly fragrance people started flocking to our house. We narrated our experience and people began to pray before the Holy Rosary. Later on Our Lady revealed to me that the heavy weight of the Rosary was due to the weight of the sins of humanity. Its colour black also depicted the colour of sin. Our Lady requested to recite the Rosary to free the world from sins. The sweet unearthly fragrance is the sign of the special presence of Our Lady in our midst. After this mystical experience a number of divine visible experiences were given by Jesus and His Blessed Mother to me and my family.
I had twenty five times the stigmata experience. During these stigmata experience I was not aware of the surrounding as I was undergoing a mystical experience. At that time I saw the vision of the passion of Jesus. What I saw in the vision regarding the sufferings of Jesus I too experienced the same sufferings in my body. For example, when I saw the scourging of Jesus in the vision I too had the mystical experience of the scourging in my body .I too had the five wounds of Jesus visible in my body and I suffered along with Jesus. This experience is given as a sign for the people of God to believe in the reality of the passion of Jesus. Jesus wants us to have a share in His sufferings in order to help Jesus to make the conversion of sinners a reality.
I have had the miraculous experience of receiving the Holy Communion from Jesus Himself thirteen times. The Holy communion became red living flesh and blood on my tongue on three different occasions. This occurred on October 26th, 1997. November 2nd, 1997 and on February 12th, 1998. When this experience took place I was feeling as if a ball of fire was on my tongue. Many saints have referred Holy Eucharist to a ball of fire. The main reason for this Eucharistic Miracle is to enable us to believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Reading the message Jesus gave on October 26th, 1997 enable us to understand the above truth. We also need to keep in mind that the Holy Eucharist is the Power House of His Grace for us.
On August 15th, 1998, about two liters of milk had flown from the miraculous Rosary. More than seventy times milk and honey were given into the palm of my hands by Our Lady. This experience also took place at Assissi Convent at Kanchikode. Milk and honey are the signs of the maternal loving care of Our Lady.
I have received 51 messages from Our Blessed Lord and from Our Lady. One may wonder how these messages are given. This too is a mystical experience. Certain messages are written on hearing the messages from Our Lord and Our Lady. Some other messages are written when I see the messages as in a vision . At other times, Our Lady held my right hand and She made me write the messages. When I wrote the messages, I did not know what I was writing. Later after having read through the messages only I was aware of the content of the messages.
There are personal messages that I received from Jesus and Mary. Some times names of persons, places etc are revealed and prayers are requested for them specially. Certain prayers are also revealed and requests these prayers to be said for special intentions. These messages are normally given during moments of prayer. Certain penances, sufferings are at times requested to offer up for the sanctification of the people of God.
I would like to mention the names of some of the persons who have witnessed the divine signs of God here at Kanchikode, the Bishop of Satna, Rev. Fr. Abraham Kadiyakuzhy, my Spiritual Director, Fr. Devassy Panthalookaran, Fr. Joy Thottankara MCBS, Fr. Vincent Ollukkaran, Fr. Joe Kallupura SDB, Sr. Lillia Maria Alookaran, Sr. Francitta Pazhukkathara, John, my husband, Sneha, my daughter, Rolson Paul Pulikan, my nephew, Thomas Chittilappily, the family of Raphael Alankarath, the family of Jose Kavungal, the family of Dr. James Kayyalaparambil, the members of the families of my sisters, the members of the families of my husband’s brothers and sister, and a number of families. Many Priests and good number of Religious sisters have also witnessed the divine signs . From the family of Raphael Alankarath, Shotin Raphael, the only son after having had very many deep rooted experiences of Our Lady of Kanchikode was inspired to join religious life at the age of 28 in 2004. He is Bro. Joseph Raphael belonging to the order of capuchins. Now he is preparing himself for his theological studies. From the family of Jose Kavungal, Chinnu Jose, the only daughter after having had very many deep rooted divine experiences of Our Lady of Kanchikode was inspired to join the convent in 2004. She is Sr. Mary Gifty Kavungal belonging to the congregation of the Little Servants of Divine Providence. She is now pursuing her MBBS studies. There are others also who were inspired to become priests after having had divine experiences here in this Marian centre. Rev.Fr Devassy Paul S.J. is one of them and he was ordained a priest on January 6th, 2007.
Many people after having read the messages of Our Lady of Kanchikode have become more devout catholics. Many after having come and prayed in this Marian centre have reported very many miraculous healings and experiences. Our Lady in a message on November 2nd 2001 gave the vision of the Picture of Our Lady of Kanchikode to be painted. This picture of Our Lady of Kanchikode depicts the two divine weapons given to us to fight against the enemy the devil namely the devotion to the Eucharist and the devotion to the Holy Rosary. From the messages of Our Lady of Kanchikode it is clear that she has not given anything new. She repeats all that Jesus has told us. She always wants her children to love the Holy Church the mystical body of Christ. Our lady expressed her deep sorrow in her messages when many abandoned the Church. Hence She exhorts all to remain with the Church always. May the messages of Our Lady of Kanchikode enable us to be like St. John Bosco, ardent lover of the Holy Eucharist and Our Blessed Mother.
Rani John
Sneha Bhavan
Palakkad Dt.
Kerala – INDIA.